

What is cupping?

It is an alternative therapy that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. Traditionally cupping was done with the use of a flame inside the cup, causing the air pressure within in the cup to dissipate and when placed on the skin would create a vacuum inside the cup. At Juno Clinic we use a modern technique of using rubber pumps to create the suction rather than the traditional heat method.


Uses for cupping therapy:

  • Myofascial release

  • Ease muscular aches and pains

  • Relax muscles around a joint


  • Dry or cracked skin

  • Open wound

  • Bleeding disorders

  • Severe anaemia

  • Muscular dystrophy

What does cupping do?

It increases blood circulation to the area in which in the cups are placed. Helping relieve muscle tension, improve blood flow and promote cell repair.

What are the different techniques?

Dry cupping is a suction only method, where the therapist will place the cups on the skin and leave it untouched for 10-15 minutes. Moving cupping is when the therapist places a cup on the skin and after a few seconds begins to move and manipulate the cup to achieve a different result. Depending on the issue the therapist can either combine or use just one of these techniques.

Side effects of cupping:

  • Lightheaded or dizzy during the treatment

  • Marked in a circular pattern after the treatment

After Care:

  • Remember to stay hydrated!

  • If area of cupping is sore or tender apply a heat pack.

Any questions or concerns before or after your treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us.