Pregnancy Massage


What happens to your body during pregnancy?

During pregnancy your body goes through so many changes: both emotional and physical. The physical changes can put a-lot of pressure and stress on your back, shoulders, neck and abdomen.

How can a massage help during this time?

It can help reduce stress, swelling in the arms and legs, along with relieving muscle and joint pain. It is useful in reducing general pregnancy discomfort.

How do we perform our pregnancy massages?

The massage is performed in a side laying position, which is the best position for mum and the baby. We don’t perform our massages on a pregnancy table as we believe the belly should be supported during the massage rather than hanging.

If you’re unsure about whether or not you should receive a massage, please check with your doctor before booking.

Especially if you:

  • Are in the first trimester

  • Have nausea, vomiting or morning sickness

  • Are at high-risk for miscarriages

  • Have a high-risk pregnancy

  • Have a blood clot

  • Have abdominal pain or bleeding

Pre-natal treatment

This treatment is to ease any discomfort that you may have during pregnancy. At times, we use trigger points, but only when you request to induce the labour.

post-natal treatment

After labour or cesarean, the massage helps stimulate the body to speed up your recovery process including pelvic alignment. Breast area can be massaged on request to alleviate tension and increase circulation for breast feeding.


Please contact us if you aren’t sure, our friendly staff will help you deciding the best treatment that suits your need. :)